Saturday, July 17, 2004

Bar Names of the World (cartoon book)

In the creation of a cartoon book of BAR NAMES around the world, with whimsical, ironic, humorous, cute, funny and eye-catching illustrations by Mr. X, I am making a list of real bar names worldwide, as well as imaginary bar names "we'd all like to see."
Please feel free to add  or nominate a name for this list by contacting the beermaster at 
danbloom (AT) gmail (DOT) com
The List begins:
The Fahrenheit Bar
The Celsius Bar
The Bar of No Return
The Rube Goldberg Bar
The Whoopi Goldberg Bar
No Name Bar
Neighborhood Bar
Ghetto Bar
Stand Up Comics Bar
His Bar
Her Bar
Singles Bar ( a real name)
Doubles Bar
Threesomes Bar
Juice Bar
Oyster Bar
Wine Bar
Near Beer Bar
Bar Bar the Elephant Bar
Mid Life Crisis Bar
Narrow Bar
Baretenders Bar
Barfly Bar
Barflies Bar
Snowbunny Bar
Topless Bar
Bottomless Bar
Vulgar Bar
24/7 Bar
Barf Bar
Tool Bar
Navigation Bar
Menu Bar
Joes Bar * where everyone inside is named Joe
Comma Bar
Period Bar
Bar Mitzvah Bar
Muslim Bar (outside sign says no alcoholic drinks served here)
God's Bar
Mystical Bar
I Just Don't Get It Bar
He Said She Said Bar
No Two Ways About It Bar
My Bar
Your Bar
Land's End Bar
Alaskan Bar
Smokey the Bar (runs by bartender who looks like Smokey the Bear)
Smoky Bar
Alcoholics Bar
Teetotalers Bar
Catholic Bar
Jewish Bar
Puritan Bar
TGIFSS Bar (special prices on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, ie, TGIF and Saturday  and Sunday)
UN Bar
Stars Wars Bar
Beethoven's Bar
Einstein's Bar
Mozart Bar
Brahms Bar
Jazz Bar
Rap Bar
Hip hop Bar
Comma Bar
Period Bar
Prison Bar
Hospital Bar
Narrow Bar
Penthouse Bar
Basement Bar
B1 Bar
Third Floor Bar
Hollywood Bar
New York Bar
British Bar (pub)
Questionable Bar
Question Bar
Never Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth Bar
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This Bar
Backwards Bar (everyone in this bar has a backwards name such as Nad Moolb, etc)
Foward Bar (everyone here is very forward toward they are romantically chasing)
Timeless Bar (no clocks inside bar)


Blogger KennethR said...

"The Little Bar" circa 1980, Leavenworth, KS was the name for an actual bar, but then there could be "Setting the Bar,"(A place for lawyers or where the drinks are the legal limit) "The Handle Bar," ("Pedaling" booze to bikers) "The Scimitar Bar"(Drinks on the cutting edge) "The Sand Bar," (High & Dry), "The Zanzi-Bar," (With an East-African theme) and "The Car Bar" (Where you drink and we drive). You have to be kidding. There are as many potential names as there are people to think them up. Feel free to use any of the above for a book or to open a popular drinking hole.

6:08 AM  

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